For many BURIAL is still the only option when laying a loved one to rest. The idea of going to visit the grave in memory of the deceased is still a powerful concept.
Most City run cemeteries sell graves as needed. Certain private cemeteries (e.g. Legacy Parks) still allow the purchase of family plots ahead of time. There are 2 options when securing a grave; a private grave or a public grave. Private graves are owned by the family, monumental work is normally allowed and where possible a second person can be buried in the grave at a later date. Public graves, although cheaper, do not usually allow monumental work to be placed on them and may be reclaimed/reused at some point in the future by the authorities.
Certain graveyards have unique regulations which govern what can and cannot take place there. A particular cemetery may for example stipulate the style and size of monumental work, or restrict access to the graves to families only.
While the initial costs involved in burial are similar (and in cases cheaper) than cremation, the placement of monumental work must be factored into the costs. The stonework placed on the grave can in cases be more expensive than the entire funeral cost. Bear in mind the monumental work may also need to be removed, replaced and inscribed if a second person is buried in the same plot at a later date.